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The original was posted on /r/polandball by /u/polandballmod on 2024-07-05 22:48:27+00:00.

Hello morally-dubious arms dealers, mad Wunderwaffe designers, and devotees to the church of Colt!

The drums of war bang once again on the horizon - or is that the Fourth of July fireworks?

Whatever the eventuality, it would seem high time to crank out high explosives like sausages and hurl them into the skies to inspire awe and fear in equal measure. From firearms to firebombs, machetes to machine guns, and the stick and stone to something surely to end the coming war before it even has the chance to begin, all our contractors are welcome to produce all the armaments that our nation can dare to use against any and all enemies we shall ire against and point our ever-so-pointy sticks towards. After all, what nation would dare to stand up against the greatest force the world has ever seen? Not for three days could they resist our ‘charm’, I tell you what!

Make a comic about armaments and weapons of war!

Specific Contest Rules

  • Your comic should revolve around armaments and weapons of war, not just war/conflict in general.
  • Your comic does not need to actually be set during war/conflict, so long as the first point is fulfilled, it’s fine.
  • ‘Armaments’ is a broad category of weapons too broad to adequately classify, so we won’t be restrictive about what counts so long as your comic focuses around them enough that the casual reader is able to discern what your interpretation of ‘armaments’ is in the context of your comic.
  • To alleviate any confusion: when we say ‘arms’, we do not mean the fleshy sort of arms that your hands are attached to. Rest assured, the Official Polandball Tutorial still applies in full.

General Contest Rules

  • The comic must have a minimum of 3 panels and a maximum of 8 panels.
  • The comic must have been written and drawn entirely by yourself.
  • No animated GIFs accepted.
  • No photorealism.
  • You must follow the rules in the Official Polandball Tutorial.
  • The deadline for submitting your entry is Fri July 19 at 15:00 GMT

In order to participate in the contest, submit your art piece to the subreddit and then flair it as contest entry. Anyone is free to submit how many entries they like, however, only one of your entries will be eligible to award you with hussar wings. That is, a single user cannot have more than one entry be in the top three.

If you wish to participate in the contest but are not yet an approved submitter, you can send in your comic to us as if it were a normal approval comic, and once approved you may post your entry to the subreddit.

Choosing the winner

After all of the entries have been submitted and the deadline has passed, the moderators will take a private vote to decide the first, second and third places. All entries will be ranked from 1 to 10, with the final score being the average of all votes. The winner of last month’s contest will also be allowed to vote on this month’s entries.

Once all of our votes are tallied, the full list of results will be posted in an Awards Ceremony thread. The artist who receives the highest score will be awarded the Hussar Wings, which they will keep around their username indefinitely, as well as a pair of Golden Wings next to their flair until the end of the next contest. The Hussar Wing recipient, or highest scoring non-mod if applicable, will also be able to vote with the mods on the entries for the next contest.

The artists with the second and third highest scores will receive the Silver and Bronze Wings, respectively, which will act in a similar manner. Fourth place will receive the old Mod’s Choice Participation Ribbon.TM


Before you submit, please check your comic against each point of the rules. Every contest we have multiple disqualifications (sometimes of fantastic comics) because some entrants don’t read the rules properly before they start drawing.

As always, if you are not sure whether something you intend to do in your entry is compliant with the rules, you can message the mods and ask.

Any questions about the contest may be directed here.

Good luck and happy drawing!