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The original was posted on /r/piracy by /u/komrad2236 on 2024-07-26 22:03:54+00:00.

This is something I noticed recently, and it might be just my bias and it used to happen before, idk, but it seems like in every industry, every company is trying to find a way to charge for something more, something extra.

Is there a hidden motive behind this besides money ?

Its like these companies never reach a point of “OK we are all making a good buck, lets maintain this level”

It almost seems like they are all competing, for what exactly again ?

It seems to me like its “I have to earn more so other guy doesn’t over power me” and its rarely like “I have to make something new and awesome that people love and will buy”

Whats going on, is there some hidden race where planet Earth is going bye bye and they are all gathering resources for next planet so they can get a head start ?

What is it ?