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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/WeAreDaGrimms on 2024-07-27 07:37:02+00:00.

A couple years ago I was having a sleepless night. At like 11:30ish my dog who was in my room with me began to bark toward the corner of my room. I tried to calm her down but she wouldn’t and as an attempt to distract her i said the magic word “outside”. She ran to the back door and I followed. As I was waiting for her at the back door I could hear someone calling my name from outside. I went outside and saw nothing and I didn’t recognize the voice. I went to my mom’s room which is right by the back door to ask if she was calling for me and I unintentionally woke her up and she said she didn’t. I was a little spooked and decided to go to the bathroom myself after my dog came back in. Around the time this happened there was this trend on Tik Tok where a certain filter that detected movement could supposedly see ghosts. I always thought it was bullshit but as I was sitting I decided to pull up the filter and look around the bathroom. I waved it around a few times and saw nothing. I kept my phone on and in my non dominant hand and as I whipped my phone shifted to where it was looking to the side and in the side of my vision I briefly saw a shape of a person on my phone screen. I immediately pointed my phone again and there was nothing. I still think most the videos with that filter are crap but that really scared me.