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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/BlackCat1224 on 2024-07-27 13:11:24+00:00.

Not sure if this post belongs here but I am so weirded out by what happened I felt like it maybe belonged here. Last night at 4 am I woke up hearing my baby mumbling a bit on the monitor, I went to check on her and noticed the TV in our living room was on, but sounded like white noise. I went to turn it off and saw the creepiest thing ever… it looked like what appeared to be someone’s ring footage of a room with 6 beds and people sleeping on my tv. I had to stare at it for awhile to realize what I was looking at. It wasn’t on a specific channel or anything. I got so creeped out that I hit the arrow button back and turned it off, confirmed it was not on any channel and wasn’t a movie or anything. I woke my husband up to tell him and he said he turned the tv off before he came in for bed. I was awake when he turned the tv off so I know it was off when we went to bed. His grandmother passed away two days ago morning. Not sure if it’s a coincidence? She used to live in this house we currently live in. I’m more concerned about the weird footage on the tv. I felt like I was watching someone’s private home with 6 beds of people sleeping. Could this be a paranormal activity or is my Roku picking up someone’s WiFi of their ring camera?

EDIT: after I wrote this, discovered one of the knobs on our gas stove was turned. The whole kitchen smelled like gas. Now I DEFINITELY think something is going on