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The original was posted on /r/dota2 by /u/Polar_Police on 2024-07-31 21:52:11+00:00.

I’ve been a league player for 10 years and a few months ago I decided to pick up Dota with my brother. So far I’ve logged about 40 hours worth of games and I wanted to share some perspective of what I think makes Dota a great game in comparison to league.

High Uptime

The courier system was something I never knew I needed but one of my favorite features of Dota. In league, especially at higher levels of play, finding times to reset back to the fountain to heal and buy items is a core part of strategy. Thanks to the courier system, Dota feels much more fast paced with less downtime.

The consumable system in Dota also feels much better than in league. In league for context, you usually only have access to about 120-200 hp worth of healing potions. This makes mistakes extremely costly and as a result you often have to play safe to avoid feeding. In Dota, you easily have access to full health heals with iron branch + tango as well as healing lotuses. You can make aggressive plays that you can then recover from even if they go sour.

Powerful Items

Items in league enhance your character’s damage or survivability but they rarely alter the game or force the enemy team to play any differently. For example, a popular carry item called Bloodthirster gives you some attack damage, 18% life steal and a shield. Compare that to Satanic in Dota that also gives damage and life steal but has an active that gives you 175% life steal for 6 seconds.

Blink dagger is another extremely powerful item, literally giving you the flash summoner spell from league but with more range and a 15 second cooldown.

Less toxic

I know I’m not speaking for the whole Dota community on this since I haven’t played ranked yet, but so far I haven’t encountered toxicity like I have in League. I think the voice chat feature is actually really great and I’ve had multiple games where someone gives me tips or tells me what I should do to improve.

The behavior system in Dota is also really great. League has something similar with chat bans which you get from being toxic, but they are easy to bypass by avoiding specific words or phrases. It’s also cool how your behaviour score automatically reduces your ability to type or use vc. League could learn a lot from Dota on this.

In summary I think Dota is a really great game. I think it definitely has some flaws that I’d be more then willing to discuss in comments or another thread, but it has some very unique features that I think anyone who likes MOBAs will enjoy.