This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/nanocurrency by /u/yusufgurdogan on 2024-08-13 10:56:26+00:00.

This project is a Python & Flask-based web service that distributes Proof of Work (PoW) generation requests across multiple RPC endpoints of the Nano network. The service sends requests to all specified RPCs simultaneously and quickly returns the first valid response it receives, ensuring that the fastest available result is used. The service can be customized to use different RPC URLs and provides a simple HTTP API for submitting PoW requests.

Example. Assume you have three PoW sources:

You’d make a .env file like this:




Once you send a request to, it would send the same work_generate request to all of them, and return you the fastest response.

Developers! Feel free to use it! :)