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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/kelsey-Monroe on 2024-08-22 00:23:45+00:00.

I’m a truck driver who works for a rather poorly managed company, I often have to drive long distances across multiple states.

Last night I was given “changed” route information by my leading officer(company term for manager) in charge, he had given me the information needed to prepare for my route for today, and told me he would be on the road as well if there were any concerns.

So moving on until recently, I’ve been on the route thinking everything was normal. I had pulled up to a fuel station expecting to refill since I was low, and was declined multiple times using the company card. When I called in I was told by my officer(manager) that he would get the card approved for the transaction, that was 5+ hours ago, and I have not heard from him since, nor does he answer any communication including his phone or E-mail.

About an hour or so after that, I got in contact with another Trucker from my group on a different route, and I had explained I had been sitting around stuck without much fuel, which he told me that he would get into contact with someone shortly as he was completing his route. He also told me that our lead Officer told him he was off today, and wasn’t even on the road, and that he would look into that as well because he was just as confused. When I learned of that I was understandably pissed off, maybe too much, but I figured it would at least be resolved.

Over 3 hours later, no response from him either, no ones answering phones, and most of anyone in my group have already finished their routes awhile ago as it is now late. I’m the only one stuck out here.

I had attempted to park the rig in numerous places as I was trying to resolve this problem, but have been threatened by police calls or towing multiple times after 10-15 minutes each time, and I’m in a rural area so there’s not much around.

For the last 2 hours I’ve been stuck at this local hotel with the rig in the parking lot, and I’m currently sitting in the lobby using their wifi, however they are now pestering me to leave soon or they would be “forced” to take action.

I had actually talked with the manager of the hotel about the situation, and it seemed like he understood, but afterward I had overheard him telling the front desk lady to tell me that “she has 45 minutes to leave” or they’ll be forced to remove me unless I pay for a room. I don’t even have money for dinner because I was expecting to have finished my job and be home by now hours ago, so it seems that my explanation went through one ear and out the other. He already knew the situation but seems not to care. Then the front desk repeated what I heard, said I had to pay the room rate of $120 for the night or me and my vehicle would have to leave the property as I had been “loitering too long” despite the fact this is clearly an urgent situation. If I didn’t they would “take action” to have me removed.

I can’t really go anywhere because there’s little fuel, and what I wasted trying to resolve this issue before coming to this hotel didn’t help. I can’t abandon the rig as that would become a major issue used against me, If I try to go anywhere else nearby (not much in a rural area) I’ll probably be confronted by the police and/or towing so I seem to be stuck.

I won’t be able to get help at this point until the morning when that team comes in, and I think that my lead officer knew this. While I don’t want to throw out any conspiracy’s, what is 100% fact is he lied to me. I don’t know why he lied to me, but he probably expected me to end up stranded and yes he has had issues with female drivers before but that’s another situation.

Right now I’m on the east coast and it’s already past 8PM. The problem is I can’t go anywhere, and I can’t sleep in the truck because it’s cooking out here and the AC isn’t enough to really deal with the heat and humidity, I usually have to have it on, along with lowered windows while driving to create a comfortable temperature, and if I’m asleep in a still truck I’m not moving, so I would basically get cooked alive, among other issues.

So I’m kind of in a bind, the only thing I really have with me is the company card which I can’t use, and I believe my lead officer knew this, as well as the other lie he told he’d be on the road. I’m also suspecting the driver I contacted before was also compromised since he never contacted me again, he even gave me a phone number to call and text, no answer. I can’t have the rig towed, I don’t want to deal with the police, I can’t just sit in the middle of the road for 9-10 hours because one or both of those will end up happening. But I also can’t get a room at the hotel for $120 for the same reason I can’t get more fuel, no access to money on the company card. Also yes, I did try to negotiate with the person there too to see if I can still get fuel anyway, she even called their supervisor and I explained much of the problem, but they both said no and the few other people there at the time just didn’t seem to care.

So I’m stuck out here stranded and completely confused on what to do here. If I lose the truck it’s my job, if I get arrested it’s my job, can’t sleep in the rig the weather is hazardous, and I can’t abandon the rig because that’s a whole other set of issues, and I have no fucking clue how to deal with this and don’t know if there’s something I can do