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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/Still_Cantaloupe2141 on 2024-08-22 07:28:42+00:00.

I’ve (29F) worked since I was 18 and now I am almost going to be 30. After witnessing the 2008 crash and how it destroyed my chances of upward mobility early on, to COVID, to just the general financial insanity of inflation and cost of living increases….i am just done. I probably won’t be able to retire. I’ve done from working one job and struggling to three and struggling. I have no time to live outside of work and I haven’t really done much except for work my whole adult life. I’ve been careful with debt, still drive a beater and nothing, I mean NOTHING I’ve done even seems to matter to change the status quo of stagnation I still find myself. The only that’s changed since 18 y/o is how acutely aware of how I am getting nowhere in life, how divided everybody is to change anything, meanwhile I don’t enjoy living , my body hurts and don’t have time to explore enjoying life because I literally cannot stop working for what amounts to less than survival. I literally exist to put money into other people’s pockets and would love to die just to spite these people. Who cares about GDP? Who cares about all these systems we pay into? Or exclamations of “high stakes” for why we MUST PAY FOR or behave a certain way. For the benefit of who? My stagnate reality overrides anything a politician claims they’ve done to “help” anything. Just let it all fail and release us from this purgatory. I wish we would just give this impossible game up, stop enlisting our children to continue the misery and stop kidding ourselves the we should continue living the way most of us do…when clearly so many people are suffering not thriving. Once we let it all fall, that’s when a second chance can maybe be possible? But in the meantime, I’ll just keep plugging along maybe hoping one of the large pine trees I pass on my way to work finally snaps and takes me out. It would be some kind of mercy from the universe to save me from not having to slave away with an even more broken body when I’m elderly, while being even more aware I lived for nothing.