This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/redlettermedia by /u/lost-on-the-highway on 2024-08-22 22:29:07+00:00.

Hello everybody! Just jumping on here to announce that the biggest project I’ve ever taken on is finally complete: The RLM Letterboxd Archive!

This is just a little something I started a while back for fun - I’m a media archivist in my spare time and an avid Letterboxd user, so the lack of a complete repository bugged me and prompted me to take matters into my own hands. Many hours and a very large spreadsheet later, I have officially backlogged every single RLM video where they even fleetingly discuss one or more films and plugged it into Letterboxd for the enjoyment and convenience of fellow fans.

I’ll be tending to the archive as videos come out, as well as picking through every now and again to make sure everything is properly tagged. If you spot a mistake, please be nice, I’m only one human being running this in my spare time, but please let me know and I’ll get it sorted!

Personally, I’ve found the archive most useful for isolating videos on a specific movie right in Letterboxd without having to go ona fruitless Google search. I’ve also tagged all the extended cast members who appear in the videos, in case you really want to see every Rich Evans appearance.

Hope you guys enjoy it! (and hey, maybe some of you already follow!)

  • The Archivst xx