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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Springfield_Cobra on 2024-08-24 00:33:07+00:00.

I consider myself a good driver. I’m the one driving only a few mph over the limit that everyone passes. I’m the one that’s being tailgated for not driving fast enough over the speed limit. I always use my turn signal, I drive in the correct lane, I kind of hyper focus on being a good driver. My wife says I’m the best defensive driver she’s ever ridden with (recognizing potential situations pretty far in advance) Edit: That’s a lie, she says I’m way too hyper focused and obsessive when driving. That’s just how I interpret it.

For reasons mentioned, I’ve always felt it is so important to have a dashcam. I drive a ton for work and figured eventually I’ll get into a situation. After maybe a year with it, today something finally actually happened.

I was waiting at a single left turn signal that is “yield only” behind two cars. Traffic was busy so it was difficult to make a left turn at this light. The thing is, the person in front didn’t know you can pull into the intersection and make the left turn after it turns red. We went through like four freaking cycles of this light with none of us moving. The car just kept waiting.

After maybe six minutes, there was finally an opening. The car finally turned, and we all followed. The light was turning red as I pulled up to the line but I was sick of it and knew it wasn’t a risk so I went for it.

The thing is, before that happened, I heard a loud bang right before. I was more interested in making the light and didn’t see anything worrying in front of me, so as I made the left turn I looked and saw there was a traffic accident that happened.

It didn’t seem that bad but I pulled into the parking lot to check. There were already twenty people standing around by the time I walked up, and I realized the airbags deployed, but figured they didn’t need twenty one people standing there especially considering I have no medical training.

But then, I realized “omg…I bet I got that on dashcam” I pulled it up and viewed it, and it was the perfect view. Not an awful accident and I’m pretty sure everyone was uninjured.

I walked away and went into the store I was going to, walked out and noticed a decent police presence. I realized my footage might actually be helpful, so nervously walked up to the scene and was directed to the sergeant. I told him I had dash cam footage, and he said “that would be awesome. Let me give you my card. Can I get your information?” And I was like totally. Here’s everything.

Thirty minutes later I sent him dash cam footage about ten seconds long, of what looked in hindsight like a minor accident and me blatantly running a red light in frustration of waiting so long. I didn’t think twice before sending, it was just part of the clip.

Haven’t heard back yet.

tl;dr I witnessed a minor accident and sent dash cam video to the sergeant of a police department that includes me running a red light.