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The original was posted on /r/truescarystories by /u/ConsciousEggplant768 on 2024-08-27 06:43:49+00:00.

So, I was getting off work one night, keep in mind it’s the most popular street in town and about 9:30-10:00pm. As I turned to lock the front door of the shop, I noticed a guy smoking a cigarette walk past me in the street. Even though his face was covered by a dark hoodie I could tell it was a man from his build. I didn’t think anything of it as it was a popular street, so I finished up and started walking to my car, which was maybe a block away and within seeing distance. He was walking toward an intersection with pedestrian crosswalks, which I need to go the same way towards. However,I noticed we were pretty much the only two people outside which was unusual for this street. I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable as were the only two people here and I’m walking right behind him so I decide to cross the street without the crosswalk. Instead of him continuing to the crosswalk like I thought, he turns to walk right behind me. I brushed it off as a coincidence but decided to cross the street again to be safe. He crosses right being me again. Now I’m freaked out so I change my pace and start speed walking and I hear him speed up behind me to match my steps. I can see my car now and the only words in my head are “get to the car get to the car gettothecar” so I almost run and grab the drivers side door handle and unlock the car, aware he was behind me. It felt like everything was in slow motion, in the few seconds it took me to hop in the seat and start closing the door I can see him round the back off my car and get to the passenger door. I see his hand going for the car door handle and slam my door and hit the lock button as hard as possible. And in one fluid motion the guy just pulls his hand back and starts walking away like that didn’t just happen. I was so shocked I just watched him walk away in the dark and round the street corner till I couldn’t see him anymore. Long story short, I have pepper spray now.