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The original was posted on /r/truespotify by /u/cxnj91 on 2024-09-01 11:15:12+00:00.

Just venting as I’ll probably remove this later (or will be removed/downvoted), and I’m not sure if it is just me, but Spotify has taken a nosedive over the last year.

I am a delivery driver, meaning that I spend a lot of time listening to music in my vehicle, so it is important to me to have a functioning music app. Spotify has fallen short of that and it has become more and more noticeable over the last year, let me explain;

Spotify, at least in my recent experience, has been having critical errors - inexcusable ways the app functions. I want you to ask yourself; What should a music player that helps your discover and like new music do? Well, exactly that, but Spotify doesn’t do that.

  1. Listening to the same music despite variety - My “Liked Songs” playlist has over 2,300 songs, 200+ hours of music. How it is possible that Spotify finds it in their algo to play some of the same songs, every day, sometimes multiple times a day. Not to mention that I promise that a song will play again, even tho I have the repeat function turned off.
  2. Shuffle Glitches - I use Android, and almost every day, my playlist glitches out, and repeats the same set of songs that it just played earlier, song for song. I don’t remember this ever happening, but it happens now, and it is the most frustrating thing.
  3. Genre Glitches - Recently, I have noticed my “Liked Songs” shuffle will play exclusively one genre, specifically Electronic. I have plenty of rap, hip hop, alternative, old school rock. Despite this, and having any genres filters turned off, it will exclusively play EDM music. I recorded myself skipping thru almost 100 songs, verifying I reset all settings, and it still played EDM. I put a filter on to listen to hiphop/rap, and it was playing a lot of songs with heavy synth influence, as if it was electronic music with rap (like outcast)
  4. Like Glitch - Sometimes when attempting to like a song from my Smart Shuffle playlist, it will say “Something went wrong” and not like the song. Bruh. I am driving, I can’t restart my app, and I won’t remember the song in a half hour. I have most likely missed out on adding some banger, because this happens almost every day. Also it is just plain embarrassing from a programming standpoint, to know how much funding they have, and their team is giving us “Something went wrong” errors.

Everything I listed is extremely unacceptable for a company this size. All of this, on top of the fact they keep raising their sub prices. For what?

Anyway, vent over before I ramble and type more. I have officially unsubbed from Spotify, and am going different routes to store and listen to my music.