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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/RundownUnderground on 2024-09-05 02:46:13+00:00.

My husband texted me out of nowhere today saying he was at the hospital getting a CT scan because of a severe pain in his groin and abdomen he’d been having the past few days was getting unbearable. Obviously he thought the worst, including UTI, hernia, and was even scared he could have HIV/AIDS because he’s a barber and is scared of blood borne pathogens (he’s a hypochondriac too lol). Well a 5 hour hospital trip later, and turns out that he tore two muscles in his abdomen and his urethra was swollen. Then I remembered vaguely that we had some pretty rough drunk sex the other night that was very intense and vigorous from what I recall. Now no sex for 30 days lmao and he says it hurts so bad he can’t pee and getting hard is painful. 😭

TLDR: broke my husbands weiner during rough sex and he ended up in the hospital thinking the worst