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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/revengeofthebiscuit on 2024-09-05 13:20:51+00:00.

Requisite “this happened a couple of days ago,” but here we go. I travel a lot for business and also have all of the TSA PreCheck / Clear / save yourself time at the airport things a person can have. The airport is one of the few things I consider myself great at, but you know, pride goeth before a fall.

A few days ago my SO and I were at [Insert Large Southern Airport Here], coming back from a Labor Day vacation. I thought I was soooo smart booking us on the first flight out in the morning so that we’d have time to decompress on Monday ahead of returning to work on Tuesday. Of course, I’m not that smart and didn’t get a great night’s sleep, so arrived in the PreCheck line looking and feeling like an absolute zombie.

And of course, despite wearing only soft clothing (a step above pajamas), having no metal on me, etc., I got selected for additional screening (apparently, it was the waistband of my leggings). With my brain fogged, somehow the TSA agent saying “I need to see your waistband” became “whip your shirt off.”

“No problem!” I said, and promptly handed my shirt to my SO, who may actually have broken a rib from the resultant laughter. Both the male and female TSA agents and the people at the nearby coffee kiosk started cackling, which is really what you want when you’re standing in your bra in public.

TL;DR, don’t book a 5:30am flight because you might end up topless at the airport.