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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/TK1994s on 2024-09-05 19:07:30+00:00.

So I feel this could be paranormal or alien my partner thinks demonic.

My partner isn’t scared easily.

Last night around 2am he went out to grab the washing we left out whilst I fed our baby. A few moments later he sprinted back into the house and locked the door, bolted the windows then stared out. When he finally spoke, he said something was outside. 😐 I asked what he meant and he said he felt like something was watching him and looked up to see something in the darkness. Taking a closer look, waiting for his eyes to adjust, he saw a figure towering over the fence (in the UK these are like 6ft so we are talking 7ft plus) with large shoulders.’ Swaying or pacing’. What was even creepier is the fact he said he couldn’t see a head just two ‘pipes with white tips’ like a white light was reflecting off the top. Has anyone experienced this before or seen anything of similar description online?? Terrorfied.