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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/I_ama_Borat on 2024-09-06 01:04:19+00:00.

Edit: for anybody who wants an idea of what he said it looked like here you go. He said it look exactly like that except less stark white.

For the first paragraph, I’m just going to explain this like I’m talking through my dad since it’s easier. So I wake up at around 5:30AM to our dog throwing up and ran her downstairs to let her out to go outside. As I open the door, she runs out and immediately starts growling, I’m telling her “it’s okay, go do your thing, go do-“ and I kinda just freeze up when I see what she’s looking at. It’s this opaque white apparition, similar to an obelisk, blocky, about the size of a standard doorway. Probably about 30ft away from the house. It was completely dark with no moonlight to cause such a vivid reflection off of anything and this thing was visibly standing upright. It was immobile, so much so that the dog lost interest and eventually came back but I was just stunned and freaked out looking at this thing. I didn’t have the courage to step outside and inspect it. I went back upstairs and managed to go back to sleep.

Anybody have any explanations or have had similar experiences? We were joking about how it was probably a doorway to another dimension lol. I woke up to all the commotion with the door opening and the dog growling, so my dad definitely wasn’t having a lucid dream… I just wish he woke my ass up but he didn’t want to disturb anybody.