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The original was posted on /r/paranormalencounters by /u/cdwoodcox on 2024-09-05 22:29:44+00:00.

This happened 9 years ago. My family and I were vacationing in the Blue Ridge GA mountains. We rented a cabin for a week high up on one of the mountains off of Aska Road. 1st night was 100% normal. The next day we woke up left the cabin, done all the tourist stuff in Blue Ridge, hiked some trails and came back to the cabin. Everything was perfectly fine. We all went to bed for the night when around 3 AM, I woke up and could hear 4-5 voices in the kitchen. The kitchen was down the hall from the master bedroom. Once I knew I was fully awake and could still hear the voices I realized they were speaking some native American language. I quietly reach over and retrieved my pistol from the nightstand beside the bed. Crept to the bedroom door and exited into the hall. As soon as I was in the hall the voices stopped. I cleared the house and found nothing. I went back to bed and eventually fell back asleep. The next night wound up being an exact repeat of the previous night. 3 AM, woke to native American voices, grab pistol, exit bedroom voices stop immediately. House is empty except my family. I can’t tell my family any of this because they would have freaked out and we would have had to leave the cabin I paid close to 3K for. I thought maybe I was losing it. Jump to the next night. We’re outside the cabin having a bonfire just hanging out. This medium sized dog walks out of the woods and decides he’s going to hang out with us. The kids are happy petting him, me not so much. At this point in my life I hated dogs. Wasn’t scared of them just really really didn’t like them. At 1 point I get sick of rhe little dog being around so I chase him off. This night we go to bed as usual, per the norm here I wake up at 3 AM to the same indian voices. They aren’t so much talking as chanting, at least that’s what it sounded like. I went to reach for my pistol and thought to myself, it’s useless…as soon as I get to the hall they’ll just quit. So I just laid there. It must have been an hour and a half before I fell back asleep to these Indians. Upon waking up the next day I suddenly had this desire to get a dog. Me the guy who hated dogs. I told my wife over our late breakfast that I think I want to get a dog. She laughs and says “yeah right.” I said , I’m serious idk why but I want to get a dog. So we decided when we got home from vacation that we would start looking for a dog. The rest of the vacation there was no more voices, no more 3 AM wake ups. She didn’t want to tell the kids because she was 100% sure I would change my mind. The thing is, it became like an obsession. We got home and it took me 2 weeks to find a puppy. Fast forward 9 years later, I have a boarding, training, and grooming facility. I own 4 personal dogs and at 1 point I was training dogs 4 days a week for anywhere between 4- 9 hours per trip. I joke with all my dog friends that those Indians put some kind of spell on me. Could be just some weird coincidence, but IDK. When I decided to get a dog they suddenly stopped. Anyone been in Blue Ridge mountains and heard Indian voices?