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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/EscapeCurrent1530 on 2024-09-06 16:09:57+00:00.

This happened two days ago, and it was on the second day that classes started in college. There was this girl that I hang out with alot, and we actually met up on a club that we both attended. This was last year, and since then we got to know each other more, and started hanging out after of campus with our own group of friends. While I think it was pretty clear to anyone that we liked each other, we were either to oblivious or shy about it.

With school starting again, it was a good opportunity to reach out to her again to see if we were taking any similar classes, which we weren’t. While we took that same minor, we each had different majors with hers being psychology and mine being Computer Science. However, she asked if I could go to her dorms later in the afternoon since she needed help with moving some stuff, and her roomate was busy with her family or something. I told her I could help her out, and I would meet her later.

When I arrived she greeted me and gave me a small tour of the room, and too be honest it was alot messier then I would have guessed. There was a bookshelf that was half full, and books just scattered everywhere. I asked her why it was so messy, and she said that she was just so busy with buying stuff for her classes that she didn’t have time to organize anything. So I helped her clean up everything for a while.

We then began to just talk about our classes for this semester and how are classes were looking. I soon realized that it was getting pretty late and I had to start going since I commuted to college, but she told me that I could go later and she didn’t mind if I stayed for a bit longer. That’s when things just got awkward and we stayed quiet for a couple minutes. And she and I just sat on her bed. She then slowly approached me and kissed me, in which I kissed her back.

I then asked if it was okay if we did it, and she said that it was more then okay. She began undressing herself in front of me, and I began taking off my clothes as well. As I was taking them off, I felt a slight pain in my chest but I chalked it up to just being excites. By the time I removed all my clothes she was already waiting in bed, but my field of vision became dizzy and I had trouble breathing. She noticed that something was wrong and asked if I was okay, and I just crouched to the floor and felt my chest hurting alot. I don’t remember what she was doing during the time, I just stayed crouched and closed my eyes as my head was hurting in the center. I thought I was going to die. This lasted for roughly 20 minutes.

By the time I began to calm down, I realized I was hearing someone else’s voice, and by time I felt better to open my eyes I saw another girl who I didn’t recognize at first, but soon remembered she was one her friends from the group she would bring to our meetups. I was soon given a towel over me, and she was telling me to breath deeply and slowly. She kept telling me that everything was going to be OK, and somehow it did make the pain more bearable.

By the time I felt good enough, I slowly got up and started putting my clothed back on. My head still felt like it burned, but I told the both of them that I felt fine. Her friend told me that she had some pain relievers I could take if I still felt any lasting pain, but I told her that it wasn’t necessary. I just told the two of them that I would talk to then later, and they both told me that they wouldn’t tell this to anyone. Although I don’t know if I believe that.

My friend texted me yesterday asking about how I was feeling, and I just told her that I was feeling much better. Honestly, I still feel very bad and have a slight tense feeling on my left and right arms. I feel so humiliated and embarrassed, even though I know it’s not really my fault my body just shut down like that. And I know her friend was just trying to help, but now I feel fucking weak and like they are just taking pity on me. Also I was ashamed that her friend saw me naked and crouched like that… I regret going to her dorms at all, and now I don’t even want to be seen. Going to classes is now just painful as I’m worried I’m going to run into her or her friend.

TLDR: Visited my friend in her dorms and had a painful panic attack before having sex with my college friend. Humiliated myself in front of her and soon her friend.