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The original was posted on /r/paranormalencounters by /u/special_enchilada on 2024-09-06 03:56:12+00:00.

I want to say that it started maybe Sunday or Monday night. I was in bed doom scrolling through reddit and my eyes started getting super heavy. I double checked my alarm, put my phone next to me and closed my eyes. Not even a minute passed by when I heard fingers snap twice right next to me. I sat up quick, but didn’t see anything. My heart was racing a bit, but I tried to lay down again. Not even seconds goes by before I hear a noise RIGHT NEXT TO ME that sounded like someone smacking their lips. It was unnerving. I sat awake most of the night hearing strange noises. This has been happening nightly. I’m feeling movement (if that makes sense) around me and hearing odd noises. Shadows and movements in the corner of my eye.

Last night was worse. Same scenario… in bed, I check my alarm and put the phone down. I heard my text notification ding a time or two from the BACK OF THE HOUSE. No one there. I go to the den, turn the lights on and look around. Nothing. Go back to my room and the second I’m ready to sit on the bed, I hear it again. I turned all the lights on AGAIN and decided to go to the bathroom to splash water on my face. I was so sweaty and I felt sick to my stomach. It was 3:22am. The second I hit the restroom, I’m looking into the church parking lot across the way through my partially open window and I see a shadow move. Scared the shit out of me.

I’m nervous to sleep tonight. Idk how it will be. I slept with the lights on last night. I was terrified and still am. Idk what to do or what is going on.

Side note: I watched a stupid link of some web video that wasn’t necessarily scary, but possibly gave me anxiety??? I don’t know. I feel dumb saying that. I deal with high levels of anxiety and of course everything is elevated and I’m hyper sensitive and aware of things. Idk. Again, I feel dumb for saying this. Just need opinions or some advice, I guess.