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The original was posted on /r/truescarystories by /u/leifs_art on 2024-08-30 09:51:42+00:00.

Panicking at 4:44 am because it started at the beginning of the hour, I heard what at first just sounded like a weird crow. Then it became more undecernable, like it sounded like a mix between a dog and a crow, but it stayed far away. Suddenly it gets a little louder, than louder, then like it’s right next to me (my window is open and the curtain is too) and i’m hiding under my blanket. I know I’m a coward shut up. I just felt something watching me, and i stayed there until i heard it scamper away, quietly howling/cawing in the distance. i promise i’m not schizophrenic, i’m not hallucinating, i’m not on hallucinogenics or LSD or mushrooms. This was genuinely like one of those creepypastas where when the thing calls out or howls the night gets quiet and the wind stops. Things only picked up (a dog barking, a cat hissing, a car honking) after i heard the thing run away, its footsteps heavy in the grass. Thoroughly freaked out to be honest.