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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/WoozeyOoze on 2024-09-06 19:09:11+00:00.

I’ll start off first by saying I (23M) live with my girlfriend (23). Shes lived in our apartment for around a year and a half and I moved in several months ago.

She believes in the paranormal. I remain agnostic most of the time, leaning towards not believing. Shes mentioned several weird experiences in the apartment such as waking up a night, heading to the bathroom, and seeing shadowy figures in the apartment.

Last night I woke up and headed to our kitchen to grab some water. As I was walking back towards our bedroom something spurred me to turn around and look at the corner of our kitchen where our oven is located.

I walked towards the corner of our kitchen. As I approached I felt something in the air change. It got heavier. Warmer? Like I could feel the difference. I assumed I left the stove or oven on so I checked. That wasn’t it. Maybe the warm air was moving to that corner? That wasnt it either. Then the negative feeling came. Just a negative presence? It was a little uncomfortable so I decided to head back to the room, turning the lights off as I went. As I got to the corner of the hallway something almost urged me again to look at the corner. Pulling me back. I noped out and went to bed.

That night I had a dream I was laying in bed and an entity, a jester almost of sorts made out of weird colors and complex geometry, started taunting me from above my bed. It felt attached to me.

I smoke weed regularly and was under the influence so take this with a grain of salt? Just looking for a possible explanation even if marijuana might be it.