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The original was posted on /r/paranormalencounters by /u/annabat313s on 2024-09-06 04:30:22+00:00.

This happened some time ago while I was in college. I was back at my parents house, working for the summer. We had 3 bedrooms upstairs, mine, my sister’s, and my parents. My sister was still out of state in grad school. My mom had asked me to do some chores in my room. I had been procrastinating and then I heard her coming up the stairs…

I have a couch in my room (pulls out to a bed) along with a twin bed. The couch is against the wall just across from the doorway. The stairs along with the entire second floor is carpeted. I didn’t want to get fussed at for not doing what I was supposed to, so I layed down on the couch with my face away from the doorway. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. I continued to hear the footsteps coming up the stairs and towards my bedroom. I could hear the footsteps shuffle on the carpet and walk right up to the side of the couch. I continued to fake sleeping, then I heard my mom turn around and shuffle out the door back towards the stairs. I smiled to myself and opened my eyes to watch her walk away…

When I opened my eyes, I didn’t see anyone. I got up, rushed to the hallway to look down the stairs, saw nothing. Checked the bedrooms upstairs, they were empty. Ran down the stairs and my mom was doing laundry. My dad was down in the basement (home office). I asked my mom if she had just come upstairs. She said no. It was so weird, I literally thought someone walked into my room and stood next to me.

My sister had told me she thought she saw a little boy in the upstairs hallway while she was lying in bed in her room one time. Then years later, my dad had passed away (not in the house). My mom said one night, she felt something lay down next to her in bed one night.

I couldn’t find anything bad about the family that lived in the house prior. I am still skeptical… But it was just so crazy. It’s somewhat evidence… But just on the edge of being solid proof (because I didn’t see anything). Anyway, just wanted to share.