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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/oliverbravery on 2024-09-07 08:54:35+00:00.

Hey everyone! I’ve been working on this open-source project called 3D-Print-Sentinel, and it’s been a game changer for my 3D printing setup. It’s basically a way to automatically monitor your prints using machine learning, and the best part? It runs entirely on a Raspberry Pi (tested on Pi 4 and 5, 4GB+ RAM)!

Here’s what it does:

  • Real-time error detection using the same machine learning model from Obico (Spaghetti Detective) just on device this time!
  • Automatic print pausing: If it detects something’s wrong, it sends you a notification. If you don’t respond in 2 minutes, it’ll pause the print for you!
  • Integrates with OctoPrint for seamless print management.
  • Home Assistant integration: You can monitor everything from a dashboard, plus get notifications on your phone with snapshots of your print.
  • Secure remote access: No need to expose any ports; it uses a Cloudflared tunnel for safe remote monitoring.
  • Super easy to set up with Docker Compose.

If you’re tired of babysitting your prints or wasting filament on failed jobs, this might help! It’s free, open-source, and runs locally, so no cloud nonsense. Check it out if you’re into 3D printing or have a Raspberry Pi laying around.
