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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/stuckindread on 2024-09-07 09:20:24+00:00.

So TIFU by skinning myself. I was in the shower and realized I was out of shaving cream. So I used body wash. All was going well and then I thought I just nicked myself near my ankle. I just kinda got annoyed but the amount of blood in the tub should’ve told me otherwise. I got out and noticed blood just pooling at my foot. I grabbed a paper towel and gently wiped away the blood to see how bad it actually was.

Turns out I managed to skin myself. There was a 4 inch by 1/4-3/8 spot of skin just missing. I had to take a quick moment to not get sick from how bad it was. I got it all cleaned off and kept applying paper towels for a solid 10 minutes before the bleeding was mostly stopped. I bandaged it up with gauze. After I finally got dressed I had to get the swiffer out to mop all the mess up off the floor and give the shower/tub a quick bleach clean. And while cleaning the tub I found my missing skin. I initially thought it was just a piece of paper from like a shampoo bottle but it was not. It hurts so bad but I will never use body wash again.

TL;DR: I skinned myself shaving and now have a 4 inch long piece of skin missing by my ankle and it still hurts.