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The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/completelypositive on 2024-09-07 17:37:21+00:00.

I’ve known GME has been a weird one for a while,… but not how ridiculous it really was,

We have some of the smartest people in the world investigating $GME, and nobody understands what’s actually happening. It’s not like we just need to go back and review a few chapters or something. We’ve got subject matter experts in every field digging into this stock, its history, and all the market mechanics and movements and manipulation — and still, A to B ends in WTF. For every single one of us.

Sure, some things start to click, but then you hit a wall when it comes to the regulations and enforcement. You’ve got four different rules from three agencies, all of them being “oversaw” by boards that are full of people from the companies they’re regulating. It’s like, my son works at the agency, my daughter works for me at the bank, and I run the media company that reports on it. You get the idea. Or it has an extension and a waiver, and the person who stamps the waiver and extension is the coworker of the guy submitting the forms.

So… is the system just busted? Not just a few bad apples—like, is it completely broken? Are we struggling to figure it out because the people who built this never imagined we’d have access to all this data, and they didn’t put anything in place to keep it from getting so tangled up that we can’t fix it?

I’m no genius, but I’m not dumb either, and every time we think we’re getting somewhere, we end up staring at a damn two-way mirror.