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The original was posted on /r/paranormalencounters by /u/NelPage on 2024-09-07 15:11:17+00:00.

We owned a vacation home inCentral FL for several years. It was on a sizable lake and was surrounded by, but not connected to, many other lakes. A couple hundred years ago the water levels were higher, so they all connected. It made sense that there would be Native American settlements in the area. Turns out that there was a fairly large village that included our property. It was likely the Potano Tribe.

When the Spanish arrived in FL, this is one of the villages ravaged by disease. My son found several arrowheads and a Spanish trading bead on site. We had many strange experiences that defy explanation. We’d hear people talking in the garage, items would fly off shelves when no one was near. A few people, who knew nothing about the history of the house, swore they saw what looked like the face of a NA man. The weirdest was a small patch of water that would be on the middle of the bedroom floor. It was about the size and shape of an adult foot, and it didn’t spread. There was also no source where water would just come up from under the floor. There is no way someone could have walked in with wet feet and left just that one spot.

The place did have a vibe to it; not negative, but charged.