This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/Superstonk by /u/-Motorin- on 2024-09-07 22:32:33+00:00.

Here is the file where I pulled all the derivative sections from all N-PORT files which mention GME’s CUSIP.

This file lists only derivatives which mention “Gamestop” in the entry.

And here, I’ve uploaded explanations that ChatGPT gave me for what these sections mean.

Apologies in advance for this not being very well structured. I know that for those who’ve pulled the swap data from other sources, finding counterparties is next to impossible. What is interesting about these is that you get to see counterparties as well as the unique *internal* identifiers which are used by the parties to keep their own records. Perhaps this could serve to connect a few dots within the swap data that’s already been posted and accumulated by others. However, here is a taste:

CIK: 0001131013

SeriesID: s000057426























































And here is the explanation that ChatGPT gave me for what this means.

Key Information:

  • **Filename**: 0001131013-s000057426-1131013-22961646.xml
  • **CIK**: 0001131013
  • **Series ID**: s000057426

Investment or Security Information:


    • This is the name of the derivative, indicating it’s a Contract for Difference (CFD) tied to GameStop Corp (GME).
  • **LEI**: N/A

    • Legal Entity Identifier is not provided.
  • **Title**: CFD_EQS GOLDUS33 B0LLFT5

    • This title likely refers to an internal identifier or specific structure of the CFD.
  • **CUSIP**: 36467W109

    • The unique identifier for GameStop Corp’s equity.
  • **Identifiers**:

    • **ISIN**: US36467W1099 (International Securities Identification Number for GME)
    • **Ticker**: GME (GameStop’s stock ticker)
    • **NT_ID**: 9L26TKU (Another internal identifier)

Position Details:

  • **Balance**: -2082

    • This indicates a short position of 2,082 units in the contract. The fund is essentially betting against GME’s stock price through this derivative.
  • **Units**: NC

    • Likely stands for “Notional Contracts” or another specific unit related to CFDs.
  • **Currency**: USD (U.S. dollars)

  • **Value in USD**: -$346,819.56

    • The current value of this position is negative, indicating a loss or liability for the fund.
  • **Percentage of Total Value**: -0.0990410488

    • This position represents about 9.9% of the fund’s total portfolio value, which is a significant proportion, suggesting this is a major position within the fund.

Payoff Profile:

  • **Payoff Profile**: N/A

    • No specific payoff profile is provided, likely because this is a straightforward short CFD.

Asset and Issuer Details:

  • **Asset Category**: DE (Derivative)

  • **Issuer Category**: CORP (Corporation)

    • The underlying asset is issued by a corporation (GameStop Corp).
  • **Investment Country**: US

    • The underlying asset is based in the United States.
  • **Is Restricted Security**: N (No)

    • This is not a restricted security, meaning it can be traded freely.

Derivative Information:

  • **Derivative Type**: Swap (SWP)

    • This is a swap contract.
  • **Counterparty**: Goldman Sachs New York

    • Goldman Sachs is the counterparty in this swap, meaning they are on the opposite side of this trade.
  • **Counterparty LEI**: N/A

    • LEI is not available for the counterparty.
  • **Swap Flag**: Y

    • Indicates that this is a swap contract.
  • **Floating Rate Description**:

    • **Currency**: USD (U.S. dollars)
    • **Floating Rate Index**: USFFE (Likely related to U.S. financial market indicators)
    • **Spread**: -25 basis points (This indicates a 0.25% deduction from the floating rate, which could be a cost or discount to the fund in the swap.)
    • **Payment Amount**: $0 (No payment at the time of this report)
  • **Floating Payment Description**:

    • **Currency**: USD
    • **Floating Rate Index**: GameStop Corp - CLASS A
    • **Spread**: 0 basis points (No additional spread added, meaning the payment is directly tied to the underlying index’s performance without adjustment.)
  • **Termination Date**: 2026-09-28

    • The swap is set to expire on September 28, 2026.
  • **Upfront Payment**: $0

    • No upfront payment was made for this swap.
  • **Unrealized Appreciation**: -$135,891.63

    • The unrealized loss on this position as of the reporting period indicates that the swap is currently a losing trade for the fund.

Security Lending:

  • **Is Cash Collateral**: No

  • **Is Non-Cash Collateral**: No

  • **Is Loan By Fund**: Yes

    • Indicates that the fund has lent out the underlying security or is involved in lending transactions related to this position.


  • **Significant Short Position**: The negative balance of -2,082 units indicates a substantial short position on GME. The fund is betting heavily on GME’s price declining.
  • **Losses Incurred**: The position is currently underwater, with a significant unrealized loss of over $135,000, suggesting that the strategy has not worked as expected so far.
  • **Counterparty Risk**: Goldman Sachs is the counterparty, meaning they are the ones providing the fund with this swap. This involves risk as the performance of the swap depends on the creditworthiness and terms with Goldman Sachs.
  • **Price Consideration**: With a current value of -$346,819.56, this suggests the notional value of the contract per unit is quite high, around $166.55 per unit. This value may reflect a premium or the complex nature of the CFD and swap structure rather than a direct reflection of GME’s market price.


This derivative represents a large and currently losing short position against GameStop (GME). The involvement of Goldman Sachs as a counterparty and the significant unrealized losses suggest that this trade is critical for the fund and may have been part of a broader strategy to hedge or speculate on GME’s price movement. The high percentage of the fund’s total value tied up in this position indicates that the fund has taken on considerable risk with this trade.

Anyone who can make heads or tails of this baloney, chime in!