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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/Dry-Competition5290 on 2024-09-08 17:50:22+00:00.

I’ve lived in this apartment for almost two years, and until last night, I thought I knew every inch of it. It’s a small, one-bedroom place—nothing fancy, just a decent spot that’s close to work. The building itself is one of those old Mill Town buildings with an apartment up top and businesses on the lower level with a hallway that separates the two. It’s where the business owners would live when the town first established. It’s in the downtown area of a very, very small town. Nothing exciting. When I first moved in, the landlord, Shane, gave me a blueprint of the unit. A very OLD blueprint.

At the time, I thought it was strange. You see it’s normal to get a layout print when in the process of renting just to see the floor plan. But who gives a blueprint showing the electrical layout, the water line, basically the ENTIRE construction lay out for a one-bedroom apartment? It was weird. But what made it even more odd was Shane himself.

He’s always been… off. You know the type—quiet, always watching, never really says much unless he absolutely has to. He wears Dahmer style glasses, and combs his hair over a hole in his Toboggan (He’s balding, I’m southern, shut up) he dresses in blue short sleeve coveralls and adjourns himself only in the jewelry that is a few ink pens in his pocket and a very musty odor. The most intimidating part about him is his height.

The man is 6’11….

Not joking.

Anyway the first day I met him, he just stood there, staring at me for a moment before handing over the keys from his hulk sized hand, muttering something about “making sure everything’s in order.” Even when he gave me the blueprint, he wouldn’t look me in the eye, just said, “You’ll want to hold onto this,” like it was some kind of secret. I almost laughed at how serious he was being. I should’ve asked more questions then. But I’m a dumb-dumb welder and I do what I have to do to get by.

Last night, while trying to fix a leaky pipe under the sink, because Shane’s phone for some reason ALWAYS goes to voicemail when shit goes wrong, I noticed something strange.

My hand slipped, and the wrench clanged loudly against the wall behind the cabinet. The sound it made… it wasn’t right. It was hollow. For a second, I thought I imagined it, but curiosity got the better of me. I knocked on the wall, and sure enough, there was an empty space behind it.

I thought it was kinda odd but I tried to not let it bug me too much. However I’ve read a lot of horror stories and seen a lot of videos of people finding hidden rooms in their homes. So I didn’t sleep much after that.

This morning, I pulled out the blueprint that Shane had given me—no hidden rooms, no extra spaces. It was all supposed to be solid. But that hollow sound kept gnawing at me, so I grabbed a hammer and started chipping away at the wall.

Behind it, there was a door. A small, old, wooden door—barely four feet high—painted the same color as the wall so it blended in perfectly.

I checked the blueprint again. No mention of a door. No mention of a hidden room. Nothing.

I can’t stop thinking about how weird Shane was when he gave me that blueprint. Why would he go through the trouble of giving me this if it didn’t even show this? Why didn’t he tell me about the door? Why didn’t he look me in the eye?

I don’t know what’s behind it, but something about it feels very wrong, like it’s been waiting all this time, just hidden till now.

I’m gonna get to the shop I got too many orders coming through to worry about it, People need drivelines, and their tanks and trailers repaired, but maybe somebody here knows something about old buildings or can help? Anyway if anything comes of it I’ll let y’all know.