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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/failing-body on 2024-09-09 19:55:00+00:00.

I asked him if he was sure it was elderberry. He said yes, definitely. I asked him what it tasted like and he suggested I try it myself. He said he didn’t care for them himself. I think, sure, I trust him. He grew up poor on the farm and knows a lot about this sort of thing.

Or so I thought. He identified the elderberry correctly, right?

Nope. Not elderberry, pokeweed. Which is poisonous.

Fortunately it seems I don’t need to go to the ER or anything based on what Poison Control said. I only ate one berry. At worst I might get nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Still scared the shit out of me. Definitely learned a lesson today about double checking. I may or may not be spending a few hours on the toilet later on…

TLDR ate poison berry because I stupidly listened to my dad who was confidently incorrect