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The original was posted on /r/Boise by /u/Ok_Palpitation_5632 on 2024-09-09 23:54:30+00:00.

The owner of the paddles up pokè chain in Boise, ID forces all employees to sign an NDA that his “lawyer” drummed up apparently. He does this so that he can threaten to sue you when you tell other people about how badly he treats his employees and creeps on young girls. A select group of young BSU students had creepy texts from him trying to hang out with them, he would feed them alcohol while they were on shift as well as outside of work. He also buys them gifts, grooming them and using that as leverage in the future. Or maybe he makes you sign an NDA so you don’t tell people how transphobic and homophobic he is, or how he has meltdowns in front of employees, screaming and crying and turning red, explaining that he needs therapy. He thinks having money is wealth, but buddy, you are nothing but wealthy when all the people around you, especially those you think you trust, all hate you. He can try and deny that he never told anyone that the young girl he “hung out” with sent him pictures of her boobs, or tried to kiss him in his truck but everyone knows. Deny, deny, deny when all else fails. It’s a shame that a married man with 3 kids in his mid 30s who still acts like a frat college boy will never know what love feels like. But he will have to stop trying to seek that out in those young girls. He scarred those poor girls, they are scared to work anywhere because of him. How do you live with yourself. Think twice before considering working here or letting your teenage kids work here.