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The original was posted on /r/collapse by /u/Ok_Mechanic_6561 on 2024-09-11 16:49:41+00:00.

In this small article summary and video they discuss wether or not people should go vegan in order to reduce the affects of climate change. As we know, the beef industry in the United States contributes to mass amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere which will lead to our inevitable collapse. These farming operations cut down mass amounts of trees which release more carbon into the atmosphere, generating more heat. Also, the types of animals we consume meat from such as cows and other cattle contribute up to 231 billion pounds of methane into the atmosphere each year (EPA, 2020). So it begs the question, should we as a society not only move away from beef, but from all other forms of meat to reduce our carbon footprint? Or since we’ve passed many climate tipping points to the point that things are irreversible now, does it really matter?