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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/darth_galadriel on 2024-09-13 17:11:01+00:00.

TIFU by making an anonymous Glassdoor review. I work for a smaller credit union in Seattle and I made a review on Glassdoor about my complete experience there over the past year I’ve been there. I mentioned hardships in having to report sexual harassment and experiencing immediate subsequent retaliation, difficulties in switching departments or attaining promotions, being denied skill enhancement mentorship programs or licensing offered to others of the same job title at other locations, and the immense difficulty in being able to schedule an interview for an internal job posting that would be a technical demotion that is taking over a month to do.

HR responded to the Glassdoor post and implied they knew who the person posting is, and suggested on their public reply that I reach out to HR for “resources.” The next day I had an impromptu in-person meeting with two work from home HR reps. One was an employee resource HR representative and the other, an HR Business Partner.

I didn’t get fired, but I basically had a really strange conversation with these representatives that spent the better part of the meeting trying to get me to acknowledge it was I who made the post. I merely agreed with what the poster was saying, and tried to address the issues that I’ve experienced. It was met with a lot of hostility but in the end we reached a middle ground of how the meeting was a “learning opportunity for all parties.”

I’m absolutely leaving the company as soon as I secure another job.

TL;DR TIFU by making a Glassdoor review and HR found out, I almost got fired, but am looking for the exit door anyway so fuck it.