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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/D4HU5H on 2024-09-14 13:20:33+00:00.

For context, I am obese. I was 124Kg (273.3lbs) about 3 weeks ago and today, I’m 116Kg (255.7lbs). The quick weight loss was done with the aid of Duromine (Hunger suppressant) and Jardiance (Prevents what is essentially the Uber of glucose for reabsorption from picking glucose up and lets the body excrete it out through urine). The doctor (Clinic A) didn’t really touch on what the latter did and I didn’t bother to look it up either. I should have, but hindsight is 20/20.

Anyway, the week I started the regime was also, coincidentally, the week I signed up for an insurance policy. The insurance policy required that I do a lipid panel and urine test at a random clinic (Clinic B) of their choice to ensure I did indeed have a clean bill of health apart from the very very unhealthy triglyceride count that was recorded nearly 4 years ago.

This morning, I went for the appointment. Did the blood draw and peed in the stupid bottle that caused me a world of panic and anxiety for a good hour. When the doctor (Clinic B) called me in to speak to me about the results, he didn’t mention anything about the lipid panel (which is great to not hear about since it most likely meant I was fine now). But he immediately mentioned the super high counts of glucose in my urine and I just didn’t know what to think of it. He told me to redo the test and I did but it didn’t improve of course.

I was sitting in the waiting area lost and in denial because a diabetes diagnosis would be devastating at 23 and would also mean certain career death for my route of work. I decided to think of how I could have developed diabetes out of nowhere in the matter of a few months. I didn’t exactly go all out on sweets and chocolates and I had been fasting a lot as a result of the hunger suppressant. And then it hit me, I was taking a drug that I had no idea what it did. Researched the name, looked at its mechanism of action and was relieved. I then asked to see the doctor (Clinic B) again after the 2nd lab result came back. Explained that I was taking Jardiance and that was what led to the high glucose count. Got grilled by him for 5mins as he forced me to write down the statement in the form that had EXPLICITLY asked us whether we were on any drugs that were prescribed.

TL;DR , I’m a fatass and a total moron that took a drug that would unknowingly lead to a high glucose count before a urine glucose test and scared myself and a doctor half to death before realizing why the count was so high.