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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/No-Awareness-8079 on 2024-09-14 14:04:14+00:00.

Obligatory “this happened yesterday, not today”. Anyway, here we go:

So, I (20M) am a distance runner. Yesterday I came back from my run and was hit with an incredibly insatiable thirst. I’m always thirsty when I come back from a run, even with my gels, but this was different. I drank and filled up my 24oz hydroflask at least 10 times, maybe more. A bit after that, I started to feel super funny. My limbs felt heavy, I couldn’t keep my balance, was slurring my speech, etc. It was honestly terrifying, I was sort of smacked in the face with the fact that I’m not invincible and that I can die. I freak out, but then realize that I probably just had too much water. I called my mom to ask WTF to do, and she said don’t worry pumpkin just eat salt. She obviously meant eat something salty, like pretzel sticks, but I was so out of it that I hung up and just downed a couple tablespoons of table salt

About 10 mins later I start to feel a bit less dizzy but start to get nauseous instead. I end up having to run to the bathroom to projectile vomit. I could not stop puking. It had so much velocity. Toilet full. SO much water came out. Turns out table salt will induce vomiting in certain quantities. Roommate came to check on me and I couldn’t even speak between heaving and retching. His girlfriend wanted to call 911 but I managed to explain that I just ate something funny. After that I felt way better, and I woke up today feeling fine

TL;DR: Drank too much water and then ate way too much salt trying to fix it, salt made me projectile vomit