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The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/PearPumpkinTommy on 2024-09-14 17:16:17+00:00.

“Warmaster” the trinity of voices warbled, somehow both in harmony and discordant at the same time, “You have responded to our call. Have you seen the human war machines on their broadcasts?”

Warmaster Supreme of the Holden Clan bowed low to the Trinity, “I have, Lords and Ladies. If i may be so bold, why have I been summoned?”

“We have been watching the miracles of the Humans as they ravage the Swarm. It offends us. Surely the Gods of The Chosen should have these marvels, also?”

“Why do you not have them?” Gyzert asked. Surely, the Gods could have anything they wanted.

“The Humans have hidden the truth of the universe from us,” the Trinity said in it’s unique warble, “We ask that you tear back the veil. You must travel to their home and find the secrets of their power and technologies.”

The secrets of the universe? Hidden from the Gods? What blasphemy.

“I would be honored to be your instrument against this blasphemy.”

“We accept your honor, Warlord Supreme Gyzert of the Holden Lineage. Proceed with haste, you are to take the Davian and use any means necessary to complete your task. We will be unable to protect you upon your entry to their heresy. Be blessed.”

“I understand,” Gyzert said, completely baffled by this quest. But he wouldn’t let the Gods down. He bowed humbly and low again, and then made haste to the crown jewel of the fleet, the Davian.

“You are entering restricted space. No one is allowed to approach this system without authorization.”

“The Gods have sent me here. Relent or die in their name.” Boomed Gyzert’s voice.

The voice from the robotic head on his screen repeated the same words in the same inflection. Gyzert growled and sat in his command chair. “This is your last warning. Stand down or be destroyed.”

“You are entering restricted space. No one is allowed to approach this system without authorization.” The black helmet and two limbs on the monitor repeated.

“You leave me no option. The God’s will shall be done.” He nodded at his tactical officer who opened fire on the small station. He idly wondered how many Humans were on it, before he heard the warning again.

A second station in this ice belt was transmitting the same signal, perfectly in phase with the first. He looked at his helm and tactical officers and they immediately set course to the second station.

“Commander, show a layout of this system.” the Warmastered ordered. The ship’s Commander dutifully displayed the tactical layout. A rather large ice field surrounded an eight planet system. Four of those planets were gas giants. Two were ice and two were warmed by their interiors. There were four rock planets, three on this side of the sun and one on the far side.

Several pings and beeps sounded from the helm and tactical stations, signalling that the second base had been dealt with. How many heretics had he killed? If they could hide the truth from the Gods, what else could happen out of Their sight?

He shrugged off the thought and returned to the system layout. “I’m betting that they weren’t born of the gas planets, based on their physiology…Set course for the outer-most rock world.” The helm obliged and the rest of his fleet followed. He was ill at ease on this mission. He certainly felt his soul diminishing in this dark place. He hoped, should he die, that his would still return to the sacred mountain to be reborn.

Hours later, they were approaching the fourth planet. It was a barren rock. A bit of ice at the poles, two captured asteroids as moons, and a bit of ancient infrastructure. Nothing seemed to be in use.

“Tactical, any indications of life? Or…any anomalies”

“There is no life, Warmaster. Not even single cell. The star seems to have irradiated the crust for a long time. I don’t detect anything odd. Did you have a specific search pattern?” Reported the tactical station.

“No. I was given only vague instructions of what to hunt for. Please look for anything that is not ordinary as we progress.”

“Yes, Warmaster.”

“Helm, take us to the next rocky planet.”

Warmaster Gyzert drummed his fingers. Patience wasn’t his strong suit and spending hours crossing a cursed demon’s home was wearing on him.

“This planet has thick clouds and a fairly hot ambient temperature. It looks like there is some construction in the high clouds that may have been habitats at one tike, but they have decayed. There are multiple fission reactors in orbit, all in varying states of disrepair. The pressure is immense here.”

“Warmaster, Humans are always wearing those combat suits. Perhaps they can’t leave their world because of how low the pressure is? It would also explain, perhaps, why they only evolved those two limbs.” Offered the Commander.

“An interesting theory. Tactical? Any life?”

The tactical officer dropped her ears as she concentrated on the readouts in front of her. She went back and forth through multiple readouts. “I’m not seeing anything here that could be biological. Unless they are way outside the norm, but i also don’t see what might be useful infrastructure for achieving space flight below those decrepit habitats in the high atmosphere. No, Warmaster. I don’t believe this world holds life.”

“Well, that burnt tiny rock is almost assuredly not their world, but pass close enough to make scans and then set course for the planet on the other side of the star.” Gyzert sank back in his command chair. His fingers started drumming almost without his knowledge as he stared out the scanner screen into the darkness. The Warmaster sighed. He might have to take up tailoring if he’s just going to be scanning rocks for the rest of his career. A small smile formed at the corner of his mouth. Tailormaster Gyzert.

The Warmaster was standing as they came in scanning range of the last rocky planet. An extremely large moon came up first. It’s barren, ashen black surface pockmarked by white splotches. Ancient habitats covered the surface, a few clusters looked like they’d been destroyed by weapons, but nothing appeared active or alive.

The world itself finally popped onto the main screen. Dark clouds swirled. A nuclear winter. But the planet itself was alive. Life was positively thick on the surface. Almost every square meter ringed with life on the scanners.

There was evidence of crumbling infrastructure across the surface of the world, and even some subsurface ruins. There were also a few energy sources, weak and, like everything else in this Gods forsaken system, ancient.

Nothing said this was a homeworld of a species. If anything, the humans destroyed this system. Is this how they power their degenerate heresy? Destroying the souls of a helpless race?

“Warmaster, a ship is approaching. It is a small human ship.”


The screen came to life showing all details they could scan of the vessel. It seemed to be a messenger craft, no real defensive or offensive capabilities.

“Warmaster. They are requesting communication with us.”

“Let them speak.”

A familiar looking head and two limbs in a black armor came onto the screen. “I am lieutenant Elias Torin. You are in restricted space. No one is allowed to be in this system without authorization. You have disabled two communication buoys. Explain this unwarranted aggression.”

“I am on a mission from the Gods. I am here to discover what heresies you are using to hide from them. Admit your blasphemy in detail, Human.”

The head cocked to the side, processing this information. “We have nothing to do with or against your gods. Please, leave this system now. We have a line, and it is drawn here. Should you chose to ignore us, we will exact unhindered revenge against your kind.”

“We can not leave until our holy mission is complete.” Gyzert nodded at his Comms officer who closed the channel. “I need guidance. I will attempt to contact The Gods.” The Warmaster stood and ascended to the holy chamber installed on the ship. After the required 30 minutes of ceremonial washings, he entered the chamber and bowed.

A low green glow came from a levitating orb. “Warmaster. Our power is weak in this place. What is it you seek of us?” The Three said in their normal style, except at the level of a whisper.

“We have thoroughly scanned this system. It is derelict and abandoned. I fear there are no secrets here.” The Warmaster grovelled, “Please, use your power to grant understanding.”

A small swirl of water jetted forth from the orb and made contact with his mind. He felt calm. An edge of knowledge felt like it was entering his mind when suddenly there came a scream within him. The stream of water fell to the ground and the orb turned red.

“They are…destroying us…we have interloped into their blasphemy and they are…” the whispers became hard to hear “Destroy their illusions. Find their power.” And then the orb disengaged.

Warmaster Gyzert was shaken. These…heathens…heretics dare strike at the Gods? His anger flared and he roared as he turned and exited the altar and returned to the bridge. The entire bridge knew he had returned with direction bybthe change in his attitude.

“Helm, bring our forward canons to bear on that ship. Tactical, destroy it with all possible force!” He commanded in a deep bellow. The officers snapped upright and began setting up the orders. In short order, the messenger pod was annihilated.

"The humans didn’t approach us until we had reached this world. This is the key. Tactical. Find me a reason they care about this place before they come b…

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