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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/No-Construction638 on 2024-09-15 02:29:52+00:00.

A little back story- I have random out burst, whether it’s song lyrics, movie quotes, random noises, etc. Also My wife and I sleep in completely separate sides of the house. She’s on one side, I’m on the other due to my snoring and I’m quite the cover hog.

To the main point

Tonight my wife asked me if I wanted to game so she can play on fb and interact with other people. So im chipping away at this boss for over an hour, I start getting sleepy. I get up, feed the dogs and for some reason the quote “free at last. FREE AT LAST!!!” Popped into my head. Now normally my random outbursts never equal much;a laugh, a quick “wtf?” Or even just straight being ignored.

Well after I get the dogs settled and kiss her goodnight, turn her light off and start making my way to my side of the house, I have an out burst. I YELLED “Free at last!!”

I felt so bad when it dawned on me thirty seconds later that it seemed like i was saying that im free from her. I had to go back in there, get the dogs settled back down, and sincerely apologize. She was visibly upset but I held her close and told her she would never be free of me and I didn’t mean it cause I had this movie quote in my head.

TL;dr I fucked up by accidentally yelling out that I’m free as I walk away from my wife for the night.
