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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/CourageBubbly1490 on 2024-09-14 17:40:47+00:00.

TW: brief mention of binge eating

Sigh. I’ve been prescribed stimulant medication since I was a kid for ADHD. Over the last couple of years, I’ve switched antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds multiple times, and recently titrated off of 2 as-needed meds and onto a different daily medication. Because I’ve changed meds/doses, I had a shoebox full of old bottles of various medications. I usually keep my extra stimulant meds (either from picking up scripts a couple days before I’m out or from days i’ve accidentally skipped or woken up too late to take them) in the same drawer as the shoebox, but not IN the shoebox.

I knew I needed to go to pharmacy to pick up my new meds, so I decided it was finally time to get rid of all my old bottles of meds (cvs has a medication disposal bin thing). I put all my extra meds into my tote bag, picked up my new script as usual, and disposed of all the bottles. Today, I went to refill my weekly container of meds, and noticed I only had a weeks worth of my stimulant left. This is odd, because I know that I can’t pick up my next script until the first week of october. I’m like, oh, I must’ve just grabbed my bottle of extras! I open the drawer, and there’s no other bottle to be found. I dig around, thinking maybe I’m not looking hard enough. Then, I search my whole room, my whole apartment. It hits me, I must’ve thrown away my current script somehow! I don’t know how this happened, because I read the labels of all the bottles before I put them in my tote to throw them away, but maybe when I was looking through the bottles I missed it?? Maybe my stimulants ended up in the shoebox, because sometimes I’ll ask my partner to grab it for me (or maybe the bottle was lying around in the apartment and my partner threw it in the shoebox?)

If this is what actually happened, and I don’t find them today or tomorrow, is there anything I can do? I’m a student and I do heavily rely on my meds to focus in class and do my schoolwork. I also have binge eating disorder, so the binges that come along with 2 weeks + of worth high dose stimulant withdrawal would be pretty awful.

Is there anything that I can do to get enough meds to make it through to my next prescription? Or will I be stuck in the hellhole that is stimulant withdrawal, since it’s a controlled substance? I know that you can sometimes get emergency medication if you can prove your meds were stolen with a police report, but I don’t think this could apply since I can’t prove that I disposed of them

Please help, I just started a new semester in school about two weeks ago, so not having my meds for two weeks would make it really difficult to get my shit together in time for midterms season. I am an honors student, and need to maintain a 3.0 to keep my scholarship, I’m very worried about the academic (and physical) consequences of this mistake.

TL;DR Probably threw away my ADHD meds in my cvs’s medication disposal bin while I was trying to get rid of bottles of old medication

edit: i know this was ridiculously irresponsible/stupid, already ruminating on it so I would appreciate if replies of that nature were kept to a minimum :/