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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/FelixAndCo on 2024-09-16 13:33:51+00:00.

I hate getting dust out of my PC. When I got my current PC years ago, I wanted to take extra precautions against dust getting into it, partly because it’s equipped with massive fans. That’s why, in addition to the dust filters that came with my case, I bought and made extra dust filters for the exhaust vents of my PC. It’s a weird PC case that lets air in at the bottom and lets air out at the top. I thought it made sense to protect the top vents where dust would fall in when the PC wasn’t on. So, weird case that sucks air from the bottom with massive fans and blows it out on top. For years it went great, and the inside was practically dustless.

Then, without me noticing for months, the bottom dust filters had gone missing. Sucking up air basically from the floor, and giving it no way to exit, due to my customized filters. The next time I opened the case there was dust everywhere; not the worst I’ve ever seen, because I didn’t completely neglect my PC, but everywhere nonetheless. Between all the heat sinks, in all the ports, lodged behind every component sticking out of the mother board: dust. So, now I’m have to clean it thoroughly, and think of something, because I have no idea where the bottom dust filters went.

TL;DR trapped a lot of dust in my PC by making the air intake dusty, and putting filters on the exhaust.