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Game Information

Game Title: Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster


  • Xbox Series X/S (Sep 18, 2024)
  • PlayStation 5 (Sep 18, 2024)
  • PC (Sep 18, 2024)


Developer: Capcom

Review Aggregator:

OpenCritic - 80 average - 79% recommended - 28 reviews

Critic Reviews

AnaitGames - Víctor Manuel Martínez García - Spanish - 9 / 10

Almost twenty years after its premiere, the modern zombie classic returns to the front line with a new and careful edition that blurs the line between remaster and remake.

But Why Tho? - Abdul Saad - 9 / 10

While not without its issues, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is an impeccable remaster that feels more like a remake and offers hours of great entertainment.

Checkpoint Gaming - Charlie Kelly - 8 / 10

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is a great time largely thanks to the simple fact that the original game is so solid and timeless. It’s still to this day a riotous schlockfest drenched in shopping mall Americana as you raid gun stores, run over psychos with a shopping cart or suplex a zombie. This all makes for some of the best and most joyful arcadey zombie-killing gameplay we’ve had to date, made better by a healthy dose of quality-of-life additions in NPC AI improvements and third-person handling. Though not all of the mall’s residents fare the absolute best in their HD upscaling it is worth it for how gorgeously bloody and grisly the halls of that shopping district are. It’s so damn good to be back as Frank West and this scoop is one well worth investigating. - Konstantinos Kalkanis - Greek - 9 / 10

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster shows that this was probably the best course Capcom could have taken in making this game.

GAMES.CH - Fabrice Henz - German - 88%

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Gameblog - French - 6 / 10

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is not a remake and a simple remaster. You’ll find everything exactly as it was in 2006 but with better graphics. Even if it’s still fun to kill hundreds of zombies, the gameplay, the controls, the structure and some technical aspects are painfully outdated. The game has truly aged badly and could have benefited from a deeper work by taking some of the evolutions of the next installments.

Gameliner - Bram Noteboom - Dutch - 4.5 / 5

Capcom expertly revives the 2006 classic with nostalgic charm and modern Quality of Life improvements, cementing its role as a top-tier action zombie game despite some outdated elements and minor content changes.

Gamers Heroes - Johnny Hurricane - 80 / 100

While the changes are minimal, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster’s shambling undead have never looked better. Fans of the original and newcomers alike will find plenty of zombie-slaying fun.

GamingTrend - Jack Zustiak - 80 / 100

Dead Rising’s Deluxe Remaster makes changes big and small to an all-time classic. Some changes work, some don’t, and ultimately none of them feel essential. Dead Rising remains a great game with or without this particular reconditioning. This Deluxe Remaster works best as an interesting thought experiment: what if Dead Rising released in 2024? It would be shinier, have autosaves, and noticeably fear its potential audience.

IGN Italy - Majkol Robuschi - Italian - 8 / 10

Originally a beloved Capcom title, this remake enhances the gameplay with modern quality-of-life improvements, while staying true to its roots in many ways. From upgraded graphics with RE Engine to improved survivor AI, the experience is more accessible, but this might divide long-time fans. The remaster succeeds in updating a classic, appealing to both newcomers and veterans, though some might argue that the essence of the original’s hardcore difficulty has been softened. An impressive rework that balances nostalgia with modern sensibilities.

IGN Spain - Alejandro Morillas - Spanish - 7 / 10

Despite the expected limitations of a game released almost 20 years ago, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is the best way to discover the origin of this mythical series.

MonsterVine - Spencer Legacy - 4.5 / 5

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is, for the most part, a strong revisit of one of Capcom’s classic titles. The new improvements are excellent, and the small problems aren’t enough to derail the experience. The original game is still widely accessible on current consoles regardless, but I recommend checking out Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster if you’re fond of the original or looking for a unique new experience, as there’s nothing quite like it.

Nexus Hub - Ryan Pretorius - 8 / 10

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is rough around the edges at times but Capcom has delivered a mostly faithful, visually dazzling remaster without short-changing the tone, humour or violence.

PSX Brasil - Portuguese - 85 / 100

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Pixel Arts - Amir Golkhani - Persian - 6 / 10

Ultimately, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster had the potential to be a $50-worthy title with a few tweaks—adding accessibility features and fixing bugs and glitches. Unfortunately, the current product falls short, offering little more than a graphical facelift and a revamped shooting system, leaving both new and returning players wanting more.

Press Start - James Mitchell - 9 / 10

Dead Rising: Deluxe Remaster does a tremendous job of balancing the original game’s identity with the expectations of a modern audience without sacrificing depth or complexity. It’s a genuinely fantastic remaster, with great quality-of-life improvements that only make the experience better for players. It’s easily the best way to play Dead Rising and the perfect distillation of what made the series so compelling.

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