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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/Reticulan60 on 2024-09-17 17:32:37+00:00.

When I moved into my house several years ago, a lot of odd stuff happened. I had two dogs at the time, a Great Dane and a Basenji. Their feeding station was a two-tier wire rack about five feet long. The Dane got fed on the top rack, the Basenji on the lower one. I’d come home from work to find the dog bowls switched. A cool breeze blowing across the back of my neck when the house was warm and the windows closed. That sort of thing. Oh, and I live alone.

The little guy was a pisser. He’d slip his collar and take off, so I’m standing there with a leash, collar, and no dog. He was too fast to chase. On an evening walk, he slipped his collar and ran off. I took the Dane home and I waited for the little guy to come back (he always did). Got to be about 1 AM and he still wasn’t back, so I got ready to go out and look for him in my truck. Leashed up the Dane, grabbed little guy’s leash draped over the kitchen chair where I always left it. Opened the door, and lo! there was little guy, looking all sorry. Gave him a good scolding but I was glad I didn’t have to go out. Draped his leash with collar attached over the chair, put the Dane’s leash away, locked up the house, and went to bed.

Later that morning, time for the dogs to go out. Little guy’s leash isn’t on the chair. Couldn’t find it anywhere. By now the dogs were about to go in the house, so I grabbed a spare collar and leash for little guy, and out we went. Got back in and spent too much time looking for his leash and collar. I finally said screw it. That afternoon, I had to run an errand. Bright sunny day. I get in the truck and out the corner of my eye, see something glinting. I turn and it’s little guy’s leash and collar. The night before I went nowhere near the truck, didn’t even make it out of the house. Except for taking the dogs out, it was the first time I left the house that day. But there it was.

Anyway, whatever it was, it’s been quiet for years. No weirdness of any kind. Maybe it’s gone, maybe it got tired of pranking me.