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TLDR: I don’t think the Collins Elite are necessarily the bad guys; I think they’re potentially wrong about a lot of things, but well-intentioned. I would like to try and explain the POV of the Collins Elite in a more sympathetic light based on my research. My thesis* is that while the Collins Elite may be wrong about the origin of some NHI and about disclosure, they are not necessarily wrong about the malevolent intentions of some NHI. Because there is evidence of malevolence, they are acting, from their POV, in the best interest of humanity.


The Collins Elite believe NHI are demons that were summoned into our plain of existence by occult practices - in particular, the occult summoning practices of Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons. According to the Collins Elite, the goal of these demons is to deceive humanity into believing they are ETs to turn humanity away from God so they can lead humanity towards damnation. Interestingly, these demons supposedly feed on human souls. (Keep this last part in mind - it’ll come back up later). To feed on us, the demons intend to bring about strife and nuclear war/mass death to kill the human race and take our souls.

If you would like a primer/deep dive on the Collins Elite and the link between occult/esoteric practices and UFOs, I highly recommend the book Final Events by Nick Redfern (Redfern is NOT religious based on what I’ve read), the Great Series lecture on the matter, and ufologist/Youtuber Tupacabra’s video on the matter. Tupacabra won a prize via a contest for his idea, and I would like to thank folks like him and Red Panda Koala for putting out such fantastic stuff. I would also like to give a shoutout to Isaac Weishaupt who has one of the most straightforward takes on how UFOs connect to the occult. Regardless of what you might think about conspiracy theories, he has one of the best explanations I’ve seen so far. I will also give extensive links in another post to hints dropped by UFO insiders that there is a link between the spiritual/esoteric and UFOs.

But that’s getting ahead of ourselves. To understand WHY the Collins Elite believes all of this, we first need to look at two important historical figures: Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons.


The Collins Elite believe that the Church of Thelema/Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) led by Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons opened a door to another plain of existence via entity-summoning occult rituals, which brought eldritch-like, Lovecraftian beings into our world.

First, let’s look at Aleister Crowley. It is no secret that Aleister Crowley often performed occult rituals with the hopes of summoning demons, angels, and other mystical beings. Such rituals included blood sacrifice, sex magic, and the Gnostic Mass, which includes the imbibing of a cake of light made with “semen, menstrual blood, vaginal fluids, or a mix thereof.”

Crowley supposedly performed one ritual in 1918 called the Amalantrah Working while in an altered state of consciousness (where have we heard about consciousness being important before?), which summoned a short-statured, large-headed being named “Lam”.

Portrait of Lam. Look familiar?

Crowley drew this picture of Lam long before the concept of the Greys became part of pop culture. He did not refer to Lam as an ET, but as an “Enochian entity”. Many have noted the physical resemblance between Lam and the Greys a la Whitney Streiber. The short stature, the large similarly shaped heads, the lack of hair, little to no ears, small nostrils, small mouths. Notably, the eyes are different, but a certain resemblance remains.

While Crowley was a bit of an odd duck and arguably the ultimate occult larper, Jack Parsons was an even bigger occult ritual enthusiast and Crowley follower. Jack Parsons is most famous for being a genius rocket engineer and one of the founders of Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), but he was well known for having odd occult sensibilities.

Parsons and company were into some rather wild and crazy stuff. For example, Parsons and company were accused by 16 year-old boy of rape, of having a naked pregnant woman jump through fire, and of animal blood sacrifice. Along with alleged animal blood sacrifice, a mysterious black box covered in magical symbols was reportedly found in his home. The contained home movies of Parsons having sex with his mother Ruth and her large black dog (this is according to Final Events, which cites the book Sex and Rockets). While married to his wife Helena, he also began a sexual relationship with Helena’s sister Sara. She was 17 years old at the time.

One of his major goals was to summon a creature like Crowley and perform a ritual called the Babalon Working. During that ritual, Parsons reportedly had an out-of-body experience (*cough* ROBERT MONROE *cough*). He felt himself astrally transported to the biblically significant city of Chorazin, which is famous for supposedly being the place where the AntiChrist will come from. Finally, he also made an “Oath of the AntiChrist” where he professed to be the embodiment of the AntiChrist. This occurred in 1946.

Soon after performing the Babalon Working to summon creatures from beyond and Parson’s attempt to become the AntiChrist, Kenneth Arnold reported his now famous flying saucer sighting in 1947. Then came the crash at Roswell in the same year. Roswell is significant as it was the location of a testing lab of Robert Goddard who was in talks with collaborating with none other than JPL.

How are all these events connected? Well, Parsons had “loudly proclaimed UFOs would ultimately ‘play a part in converting the world to Crowleyanity.’” According to Richard Duke, a member of the Collins Elite, Parsons admitted to knowing Kenneth Arnold, admitted that the saucers were the result of the Babalon Working, and that he had more than a passing connection with Goddard and Roswell. This information came about because, given his work in top-level rocketry research, Parsons held a high-level security clearance and was investigated by AFOSI for espionage at one point. It was during those investigations that Parsons was pressed to talk about these connections.

As a result, a small group at Wright-Patterson started investigating into demonology, occult practices, Crowley, etc. This group would later invite a group to continue their research. That group became the Collins Elite.


According to the Collins Elite who were monitoring these events, one channeled demon told them precisely what the demons wanted:

Certainly the most significant development came in September 1972, said Manners, when, surrounded at her home by eager-but-apprehensive players in both Operation Often and the Collins Elite, Leek entered a trance-like state, and reportedly channeled a demonic entity that described itself as Caxuulikom - a venomous, spiteful and overwhelmingly evil and negative being whose origins could be traced back to ancient Babylon, and who outrageously mocked those present, laughed and spat in their frightened faced, and bragged in a literally hysterical and maniacal fashion about the way in which the world was being fooled into believing that aliens were among us, when, in reality, the forces of the Prince of Darkness himself were readying and steading themselves for the final confrontation with the powers of good. Not only that, asserted Manners, but Caxuulikom informed those present that the Earth was a farm and nothing else, that energy derived from the souls of the Human Race and indeed from every living creature on the planet was being harvested as a means to feed the minions of Satan, and that the E.T. motif was merely the latest ingenious ruse under which such actions were being secretly undertaken.

Interestingly, a lot of the early channelers who claimed to be in contact with UFOs were in close proximity to OTO/Crowley followers. They were using occult instruments like ouiji boards and ritual magic to contact other worldly beings and got contacted by interdimensional “aliens”. This would explain why channeling leads to so many different entities (e.g. Ra and the Law of One, Seth Speaks, Abraham and the Law of Attraction, etc.).


Regardless of whether we call these beings demons or NHI, if their intention is malevolent and if they feed on human souls/energy, then it’s really irrelevant what we call them or wher…

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