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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/tommyboy6733 on 2024-09-18 01:41:28+00:00.

I’ve had 3 jobs the past 8 years and each have included:

  • Zero onboarding from HR
  • Zero onboarding from my functional dept.
  • Zero to little “this is how you do your job”
  • Zero to little support from my boss/mgmt.

The only support I get is from coworkers at my level or have similar job functions.

I’m not asking for a step by step process on how to do my job, but Jesus, there’s just absolutely zero effort into training or onboarding new hires. I’ve become really good at figuring out how to navigate large/medium companies and sharing that knowledge with my team. The best is when you get chastised for not doing something you were never told you had to, let alone how to do it.

I’m in tech so I probably experience it more than others, but wondering if this issue spans other industries?