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The original was posted on /r/movies by /u/Mst3Kgf on 2024-09-18 12:50:50+00:00.

Original Title: Alfie Allen’s character in “John Wick” is by design one of the biggest morons in any action film, but one thing in particular stands out; he and his buddies seem to be the ONLY people in that whole elaborate underworld who don’t know who the titular character is.

A big thing about the entire franchise is that John Wick is such a fearsome assassin that everyone knows of him and knows better not to cross him. (This only gets compounded in the sequels; I got a huge laugh in “2” when Franco Nero has to be reassured that John’s not in Rome to kill the Pope.) And yet Allen’s Iosef has zero clue who this “fucking nobody” is. This is especially notable because (a) John literally worked for his father and (b) John only retired about five years before, so he was clearly around when Iosef was old enough to know him. Since Iosef wasn’t a kid sheltered from his father’s business given he’s the heir apparent, you’d think he’d have some awareness of his father’s top enforcer, especially the man who “laid the foundation of what we are now.” It’s like if the Corleone children didn’t know who Luca Brasi was.

But no, the little dimwit not only doesn’t know who John is, he fails to notice every sign of how dangerous he is. Even after his father tells him all about John, he still wants to “make it right” by “finishing what I started.” (“Did he hear a fucking word I said?!”) It takes John’s rampage at the nightclub for him to FINALLY realize just how deadly the guy is. You have to be an all-time action film moron for his actions and of course, that’s the point. All the events of the franchise occur because this guy had to be petty enough to kill the dog instead of just stealing the car (if just the car had been taken, John probably would have just talked to Viggo and Viggo would have gladly returned the car while SEVERELY chastising his kid for his stupidity). If he’d had an ounce of sense, he’d never have done that. But he doesn’t and thus an action franchise is born. Thanks, moron.