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The original was posted on /r/redlettermedia by /u/Both_Sherbert3394 on 2024-09-18 16:00:20+00:00.

So I went to a test screening for a movie, and part of the rules for some of them is you have to leave your phone with security so you can’t record anything, but because they tend to fill up quick on a first-come-first-serve basis, this generally leads to having the better part of an hour where you’re just sitting there and waiting with whoever else happened to show up.

In this case, the woman sitting next to me started chatting with me, and was actually friendly enough. She at one point mentioned something about making movies with vampires/werewolves, and for half a second I felt this weird spidey-sense in the back of my head, but because it had been a few years since I had since the White Fox episode and because I didn’t have my phone on me to check, I sorta forgot about it. It wasn’t until I was at work the next day that I put the pieces together and just totally cracked up, like what are the odds of that?

After the movie, we ended up exchanging handles, so the director of Diamond Cobra vs The White Fox now follows me on Instagram lol. She was actually nice though, so I didn’t wanna hound her about a BOTW episode.