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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/ThewisedomofRGI on 2024-09-18 15:13:27+00:00.

Her nick name was Sponge Bob due to her yellow hair, but I digress.

SB loved to take people into her office to berate them for not producing enough and threaten their job if they DIDN’T GET WITH THE PROGRAM .

One day it was my turn.

She sat and moaned and moaned I didn’t do enough (true enough) Minimum wage=Minimum effort.

After ranting , she asked if I wanted to keep my job.

I said I didn’t mind either way, it was OK to get rid of me if she wanted to. The mortgage is paid off and I had enough savings to get me through until I got something else. I was very very polite.

I removed her one and only weapon(threat to dismiss) and she didn’t know how to procced. It was glorious. She mumbled about trying harder and trying to move my numbers up, but the cocky grin was gone. I was sent out and she never took me in the office again.

And my numbers never improved.