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The original was posted on /r/pcmasterrace by /u/colecodez on 2024-09-19 04:48:03+00:00.

I also posted this in the Razer subreddit but feel its worth sharing with other gamers looking to make a PC purchase. This is a tale of woe.

I bought a Razer Blade 18 laptop on June 15th 2023 for $5,403.27 from I bought their RazerCare essential 3 year warranty separately for the laptop on June 19th 2023 for an additional $383.99. This was at the time, maxed out specs.

The laptop functioned for a couple months with light usage on an air cooled desk and then it started to degrade, having increasing frequency of BSOD, browser tabs crashing constantly, even when sitting idle.

I opened an RMA with Razer, a frustrating process where they ask you to provide a mountain of evidence of the issue including uploading a 60 gigabyte crash dump from a system that is crashing constantly. After capturing all of their required information and uploading to Google Drive, they finally issued me an RMA ticket and I sent the laptop to them. They returned the laptop without telling me of any changes they made to the system (seems like they ran a diagnostic in BIOS without ever investigating my issues which occur in Windows). It just had a print-out saying it passed a memory test.

The computer immediately had the same issues, getting worse with time so I contacted Razer and asked that they address the issue. After going through their prescribed process again, they issued an RMA. I sent the laptop in again. 

Again, they sent it back with the same extreme issues without ever attempting to boot into Windows. I know that they didn’t attempt to boot into Windows because before I sent it to them, I had to do a factory reset and I attempted to login to the first-time Windows setup. The laptop would continually restart and ask me basic configuration setup questions (keyboard, language) before eventually crashing and restarting to the setup process. After receiving it back, it does the same exact thing and I can’t even boot into Windows. This should be your most basic diagnostic…

I have requested a third RMA and sent them a video of the laptop restarting on its own during first-time Windows setup but the issues with their support are so systemic, I wonder why they aren’t getting class actioned.

They require a technical level of evidence be provided by the consumer (there is no way my dad could figure this out) and then do not follow up with the same level of due diligence on their end.

The only people they seem to help are the ones that have gotten so frustrated that they tell their honest account on reddit, from which point a damage control person steps in. This has been a mentally exhausting process for me. I purchased their most premium offer, it was a lemon, and instead of repairing or replacing it they are wasting all my time.

I filed separate reports with FTC, BBB, and CA Attorney General today to go along with my open RMA.

TL;DR: I bought Razer’s most expensive offering + warranty, direct. Its a lemon. Their support goes in circles until you are so worn down, you give up or go nuclear.