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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/amoralamexicana_ on 2024-09-20 01:23:38+00:00.

When I was 15 or so I visited my family in Maryland and was talking to one of my uncles we will call him Sam and he told me a story about him and my other uncle we will call him Jim. Well at the time both my uncles lived together, and one night they both fell asleep in the living room and apparently they both had the same dream. In this dream a demon/devil appeared. What the demon/devil said to them is a blur to me but what I do remember is that in the dream the demon/devil attacked them and threw both of them across the room. Turns out that they both woke up in the place where this entity threw them.

My Uncle Jim also use to say he could see ghosts, that they never let him sleep and were always banging on his door to be let in. He also believed that he had a guardian angel. My uncle Jim had a rough life & upbringing. he was murdered by the cartel in Mexico. But yeah thought I’d share.