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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/og_jamesc on 2024-09-20 08:10:23+00:00.

Hi everyone,

Long time lurker first time poster.

While getting into the home automation world I found it quite difficult to see what was available and actively supported etc. I felt this could be improved and also help reduce the barrier of entry to new comers - who doesn’t want a bigger community of various technical abilities!

So over the past year or so I have been slowly working on a passion project that would allow users to easily search and find awesome home automation projects and allow developers to self manage their projects!


HomeAssistant Store, Themes & Integrations or HASTI for short. Allows users to easily discover various cool home automations, developers to add and share their own projects to the community. Users can also add projects they think should be on the platform as well! (Don’t worry developers - you have full control over projects you or others have added)

The most important part is users can discover projects by:

  • searching for phrases, key words or projects
  • search by the tagging system
  • filter results that have or don’t have certain tags, install types, IoT classification, Rating, Activity & Popularity

Please note this project is in beta and still has lots of things to fix, add or generally improve! The best part is this entire platform is open source! So anyone can contribute to the longevity of this community project

You can find the repository at:

Please add any ideas, bugs or general questions etc in the repo discussions: