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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/GeneralP123 on 2024-09-20 14:09:45+00:00.

I know I’m being followed, first it was just a feeling, but now I have concrete evidence, what scares me is the fact that if I just stopped thinking about it, I still wouldn’t know that I am being followed.

I will tell you how I figured out that I have my very own stalker, it all started two days ago.

It was a Wednesday morning like any other, I work at a sandwich shop in the town next to mine, so the most convenient way of getting there in time is to take the train, the negative side of my job is that I never work night shifts, so I have to wake up very early every day, the positive side is that all my traveling expenses are paid and the salary is surprisingly good.

While walking towards the train station which was only like 10 minutes away from my house, I always had headphones on, which is the universal “I DON’T HAVE THE ENERGY TO TALK TO ANYONE.” sign.

Of course, headphones don’t stop everyone, there’s always going to be that one person that desperately wants to talk to me even though I am obviously not interested, that’s exactly what happened while I was on my way to the train station, a man stopped his car just as I was about to cross the road and rolled down the driver’s side window, he greeted me with a smile and asked me if I knew where the nearest supermarket is, I took off my headphones with slight annoyance noticable on my face, then I pointed at the direction of the supermarket, he thanked me and immediately sped off in the direction of the supermarket.

I continued my walk towards the train station, I already had a monthly ticket so once I arrived I immediately entered the train and took a seat, as usual some man asked me if he could take the seat next to me, “Sure” I said while not even bothering to look at the man, I didn’t sleep long enough last night and I was just beginning to feel the side effects, I’m sure it only took me around 3 minutes and I was sound asleep.

My phone alarm woke me up just as the train arrived at my station, so I instantly got up and went to the sandwich shop, luckily for me, it was only 2 minutes away from the train station. Work wasn’t too eventful, just the usual stacking cheese, salami and pickles on sourdough bread for hours and hours.

Once I finished work I remembered I had to meet up with a friend of mine so we can go and watch a movie back at my hometown’s cinema.

I quickly got on the train once again and after the usual 20 minute ride I was back in my hometown, unfortunately, I realized that I would be late if I didn’t take the bus because the cinema was a good 15 minutes walk away from the train station.

Fortunately, the train station and bus station are right next to each other so I managed to hop on the bus which was overcrowded, but I couldn’t complain, I couldn’t find a free seat, but it was a short ride and it’s definitely better than arriving late at the cinema.

While tightly holding on to the bus pole, a man politely asked me if I could just move to the right so he could put his suitcase next to the pole, I didn’t mind so I slightly shifted to the right, but then a strange feeling hit me, I was always a paranoid person, so having a feeling that someone’s watching me wasn’t uncommon, but this was definitely more than just paranoia, I turned around and saw just a normal bunch of people minding their own business which obviously didn’t seem unusual, before I could come to a better conclusion, the bus stopped, so I stopped thinking about it and exited the bus.

I met up with my friend minutes later, I was relieved to have made it on time, we took our seats in the packed cinema and tried enjoying the movie, which wasn’t easy to do, because some random kids started yelling and laughing as soon as the movie started, their antics were promptly stopped by a man sitting right behind my friend, he wasn’t too happy about their behavior so he yelled at them, telling them to shut up or he’ll personally come over to their seats and shut them up.

I found it funny how they immediately went radio silent after the man’s warning, he was probably overreacting a little bit, considering they were just kids, but in the end I couldn’t blame him, considering he made our movie night much more bearable.

As soon as the movie ended I told my friend that I’m extremely tired and that I’m just going to go back home and bury myself in the pillow, however, while walking back home, the same feeling of being watched hit me again.

In my mind I started putting the puzzle pieces back together, I came to a dark realization which froze me in place.

The man that asked me for directions in the morning, the man that took a seat next to me in the train, the man with the suitcase in the bus, the man that yelled at the kids in the cinema, those were all the same man.

Only when I started rewinding what I saw today in my mind is when I realized that this person was following me throughout the day, he only slightly changed his appearance each time I saw him, while he was in the car he was wearing glasses and a baseball cap, in the train he was was wearing sunglasses although he wore no cap, in the bus he was wearing a completely differen suit and wasn’t wearing any eyewear or hat, in the cinema he was once again wearing glasses and no cap.

What was always the same was his voice, that’s the only thing he didn’t change, If I focused on it for more than a minute I could’ve figured out he was following me hours ago.

It could’ve been a weird coincidence, he could’ve just been visiting the same places I’ve been visiting at exactly the same time, but I really doubt it, especially since I saw him once again yesterday.

This was all the time I have for today, tomorrow I’ll try to post an update and tell you what exactly happened yesterday.