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The original was posted on /r/guildwars2 by /u/Darth-Vendrus on 2024-09-20 08:03:51+00:00.

Hey people,

I’ll stick a TL;DR at the top:

I have arthritis in my hands (started at around 27 years old) and I’m looking for a GW2 build that requires around 40 actions per minute or less.

Ok, so I played WoW for around 18 years, I played at a decent level and would be considered a hardcore raider. Around 4 or 5 years ago, my hands began swelling when playing and I would get awful pain in my hands and wrists. Turns out its arthritis, so I start playing much lower APM classes. Ultimately, I couldn’t keep pace with my guildies any more and took the heart wrenching decision to step away from the game I love most.

Recently, my wife and I have got back into SWTOR, but unfortunately, the game plays like a single player shared world rpg.

My wife loves GW2, and I want to love it (on paper it sounds like exactly what I am looking for) but the combat feels super fast and flashy. I’d love to surprise her by downloading it and joining her in world, but I fear my hands wouldn’t hold up to it.

I’ve been researching and found a lot of LI or Low Intensity builds, but they all seem focused on fewer buttons to press, rather than pressing buttons less frequently. I’ve found my hands can take a maximum of like 45 APM, but less is more in this case.

I’d like to do some PvP but primarily the, and I hope I get this right, Fractals, Raids and Strike content (Dungeons and Raids / group PvE stuff). I’m happy to play any role, I’m good with mechanics and rotations and stuff, its just the pesky fast pace!

Thanks in advance, I really appreciate any guidance.